
Bible Text: Acts 8:12-39 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman What is the meaning of baptism? Why be baptised? What does it do? How long do you have to wait to be baptised? What is the correct way to be baptised? Who can do it? These are just some of the question which will be...

Our Vision

Bible Text: Matt 28:18-20 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman In this sermon Stuart Wheatman outlines the vision of Valleys Family Church, looking particularly at the Great Commission to ‘make disciples’. Other areas covered are the importance of the local Church,...


Bible Text: Gen 27:15-22 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman Do you struggle with your identity? In this message Stuart Wheatman unpacks the lives of three people in the Bible and reveals how they found their true identity in God and how we can do the same today.

Wait on the Lord (Isaiah 40)

Bible Text: Isaiah 40 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman Where is God when we are going through turbulent times? In this sermon on Isaiah chapter 40 Stuart Wheatman shows that God is with us in times of trouble and wants to renew our strength with His resources.

The Last Supper

Bible Text: John 13:1-38 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman In this sermon we get inspired by three qualities Jesus displayed as He took this final Passover meal with His disciples. We look at how we can apply these same qualities to our lives today.

Principles in Worship

Bible Text: Col 3:15-17; 1Cor 14:26 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Worship Do we want to see our worship move to another level when we assemble together as Church? In this session two key aspects of worship are investigated- the need for thankfulness and the...


Bible Text: Joshua 5 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Continuing in the series on Joshua we look at the lessons for God’s people discovered at Gilgal.

Crossing the Jordan (Joshua 3-4)

Bible Text: Joshua 3-4 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Continuing in our series on Joshua in this session we look at the crossing of the river Jordan. We will look at some of the keys which caused Joshua and the Israelites success after a whole generation...

Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 13 & 14)

Bible Text: Num 13:1-33 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Going back 40 years prior to Joshua leading Israel into the promised land we look at the sending out of the 12 spies and how disbelief got the better of 10 of them and this then spread to the entire...

Joshua 1

Bible Text: Joshua 1:1-18 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Here Stuart Wheatman gives looks at the introduction to the book of Joshua, noting certain qualities Joshua displayed and how these were key to him effectively leading the people of Israel into...