Failure to Fulfilment

Bible Text: John 21:1-19 | Preacher: Graham Powell | In this sermon Graham Powell looks at lessons from the life of Simon Peter who went from knowing failure to knowing true fulfilment of God’s purposes in his life.


Bible Text: John 15:7-16 | Preacher: Phil Gibson | In this sermon Phil Gibson looks at areas in our lives God wants us to be fruitful in and how we can become more fruitful as Christians.

I am Andrew

Bible Text: John 1:35-42 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at the example shown us by Andrew in the Bible of bringing others to Jesus.


Bible Text: John 14:12 | Preacher: Rhys Roberts | In this sermon Rhys Roberts gives an overview of healing from the Bible and how we Jesus has commissioned believers to heal the sick.

Love One Another

Bible Text: John 13:34-35 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at the command Jesus has given to His followers that they should love one another as He has loved them.

A Living Hope

Bible Text: John 20:1-10 | Preacher: Martin Bull | In this sermon Martin Bull looks at how the resurrection of Jesus brings a living hope into our lives.

Skeptics and the Resurrection

Bible Text: John 20:24-29 | Preacher: Dave Tucker | In this sermon Dave Tucker looks at how the resurrection of Christ spoke to the skeptics of the time and still speaks to skeptics today.

The Woman at the Well

Bible Text: John 4:1-42 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | The woman at the well was transformed through one meeting with Jesus, and then went on to bring transformation to her community. God wants to do the same today through us.

The Good Shepherd

Bible Text: John 10:1-29 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at Jesus’ teaching regarding Himself being the Good Shepherd and how this applies to our lives today.

Stop Thinking Like An Orphan

Bible Text: John 14:15-19 | Preacher: Phil Gibson In this message Phil Gibson looks at the promise of Jesus that He will not leave us as orphans. The challenge for every Christian is to allow the reality of this to change our thinking and to stand secure in our...