by Stuart Wheatman | Jan 5, 2020
Bible Text: Eph 2:1-10 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at the start of a new decade from the viewpoint that Paul gives us in the book of Ephesians; that God has planned beforehand good works for each of us to walk in.
by Stuart Wheatman | Oct 13, 2019
Bible Text: Eph 1:15-23 | Preacher: Phil Gibson | In this sermon Phil Gibson looks at the passage of Scripture which has been the most influential throughout his life- Paul’s prayer for the Ehpesian Church, and how we can use this prayer for our own lives...
by Stuart Wheatman | Mar 3, 2019
Bible Text: Eph 6 | Preacher: Dave Tucker | In this sermon Dave Tucker looks at how we can take our stand against the enemy.
by Stuart Wheatman | Feb 18, 2018
Bible Text: Gen 27 | Preacher: Phil Gibson In this message Phil Gibson looks at the story of Esau and Jacob, and how Jacob received Esau’s inheritance when their father mistook him for his brother. In this message we see how in the Gospel Christ has, not only...
by Stuart Wheatman | Nov 5, 2017
Bible Text: Ephesians 4 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman In this message Stuart Wheatman looks at Ephesians chapter 4 and discusses both the importance of our unity in the Church and the harmonious differences we have which makes the Church such a beautiful expression of...
by Stuart Wheatman | Feb 12, 2017
Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-18 | Preacher: Phil Gibson When the fiery darts of the enemy come against us through trials and temptations what is our strategy for victorious living? In this sermon Phil Gibson looks at practical ways we can make sure we live victorious...
by Stuart Wheatman | Feb 7, 2016
Bible Text: Eph 1:18-23 | Preacher: Martin Bull In this sermon Martin Bull who leads the Well Church in Lougborough speaks from Ephesians about the wonderful blessings we have in Christ concerning hope, inheritance and authority.
by Stuart Wheatman | Mar 8, 2015
Bible Text: Ephesians 1-6 | Preacher: Phil Gibson In this sermon Phil Gibson summarises the message of the book of Ephesians and the building blocks of the Christian faith. In this letter Paul first encourages us to realise that we are seated with Christ. He then goes...
by Stuart Wheatman | Nov 9, 2014
Bible Text: Matthew 16:13-19 | Preacher: Phil Gibson In this message Phil Gibson asks the key question- who do we think Jesus is? From this he shows that our answer is key to also unlocking our own identities.
by Stuart Wheatman | May 18, 2014
Bible Text: Isaiah 14:12-17 | Preacher: Dave Tucker In today’s message Dave Tucker highlights the spiritual warfare that each believer faces. He looks into the origin of the Devil and ways we can take our stand against his schemes.