by Stuart Wheatman | Aug 2, 2015
Bible Text: 1Pet 2:18-25 | Preacher: Andy Gibbs In this sermon Andy Gibbs looks at the amazing example the Apostle Peter gives of Jesus and how He endured suffering without retaliation. Andy brings out many applications of this for our lives today.
by Stuart Wheatman | Jun 28, 2015
Bible Text: Mark 4:35-41 In this sermon Phil Gibson looks at the reaction of the disciples when they face their near-death experience when a storm brews on the Sea of Galilee. We will look at the response of Jesus and how we too can rely on God to be close through the...
by Stuart Wheatman | Mar 22, 2015
Bible Text: Luke 22:24-71 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at three qualities Jesus displayed to us in the Garden of Gethsemane. He also looks at what the word ‘Gethsemane’ means and where it was in Jerusalem, and what Jesus...
by Stuart Wheatman | Jan 25, 2015
Bible Text: Rom 5:1-11 | Preacher: Andy Gibbs In this sermon Andy Gibbs looks at the Biblical perspective on suffering, using Romans chapter 5 as a basis. He looks at the fact rather than promising us an easy road as Christians, God is with us in our trials and will...
by Stuart Wheatman | Aug 10, 2014
Bible Text: Matt 15 | Preacher: Phil Gibson How are we to react when we are going through testing times? Phil Gibson looks at the account of Jesus bringing comfort to His disciples during a storm on the lake of Galilee and shows us that when we go through the storms...
by Stuart Wheatman | Aug 3, 2014
Bible Text: Isaiah 10:20-11:10; Joel 2:25-32 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman In this spontaneous sermon Stuart Wheatman speaks from a passage in Isaiah and Joel about the way in which God is able to bring restoration and healing when we have gone through traumatic times...