Caleb’s Inheritance

Bible Text: Josh 14:6-15 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at the inheritance God wants each believer to walk in, and how Caleb in the Bible did just that and is an inspiration to us all.

Rolling Away the Reproach

Bible Text: Josh 5:8-9 | Preacher: Andrew Davies In this sermon Andrew Davies looks at how during the time of Joshua God rolled away the reproach of Egypt for the Israelites, and how today, we as the people of God can know what it is to stand in Christ’s freedom...

Being Strong and Courageous

Bible Text: Joshua 1 | Preacher: Andrew Davies In this prophetic message Andrew Davies speaks into the new situation of Valleys Family Church and gives some pointers from Joshua Chapter 1 on what God is saying to us as a Church (sorry about the terrible audio quality...

Be Strong and Courageous

Bible Text: Joshua 1 | Preacher: Rhys Roberts In this message Rhys Roberts looks at the importance of courage in the Christian faith, and how, when we believe God and step out, great things happen.

Be Strong and Courageous

Bible Text: Josh 1:6-9 | Preacher: Andy Gibbs In this message Andy Gibbs shares a word of encouragement from the book of Joshua that we can be strong and courageous because the Lord is with us.


Bible Text: Joshua 5 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Continuing in the series on Joshua we look at the lessons for God’s people discovered at Gilgal.

Crossing the Jordan (Joshua 3-4)

Bible Text: Joshua 3-4 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Continuing in our series on Joshua in this session we look at the crossing of the river Jordan. We will look at some of the keys which caused Joshua and the Israelites success after a whole generation...

Joshua 1

Bible Text: Joshua 1:1-18 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Joshua Here Stuart Wheatman gives looks at the introduction to the book of Joshua, noting certain qualities Joshua displayed and how these were key to him effectively leading the people of Israel into...