Return to Bethel

Bible Text: Gen 35:1-29 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman | Series: Jacob In this final part on the life of Jacob Stuart Wheatman looks at God’s command for him to return to the place in which he first encountered God for himself and the significance this has for our...

The Parable of the Sower

Bible Text: Matt 13:1-23 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman How can we live a fruitful, productive life as a Christian? In this sermon Stuart Wheatman looks at the parable of the sower and the key Jesus gave to us to live a fruitful life: having an obedient heart to...

Go Make Disciples

Bible Text: Matt 28:18-20 | Preacher: Phil Gibson The great Commission is to go and make disciples, but how do we do it? In this teaching Phil Gibson gives us some practical ways for all of us to put Jesus’ command into action.

Not By Might

Bible Text: Haggai 1:1-12; Zechariah 4 | Preacher: Stuart Wheatman Have you finished what you’ve started? God used the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to provoke Zerubbabel the leader, Joshua the High Priest, and all of the Israelites, to get back to doing what...